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Success story of the week: Breech baby turned!

Posted on by Chiropractor

A patient whose baby was in the breech position has been attending the clinic for the past two weeks.

After a few treatments, a scan showed today, that YES, the baby has turned!

Pregnancy is a time of amazing changes in a woman’s body as her uterus expands to care for her growing baby. When pregnant, the mother must adapt and compensate for these many postural and hormonal changes. Gentle, prenatal chiropractic care helps to remove some of the stresses of pregnancy, balance the mother’s pelvis and spine, and allow for an easier birthing process.


For women who are carrying a breech baby (that’s when the baby’s feet or rear end are facing down) or transverse baby (that’s when the baby is lying on its side), chiropractic care can help them to avoid an invasive cesarean section by using the Webster Technique.


What is the Webster Technique?

The Webster Technique helps to correct sacral misalignment and balance pelvic muscles and ligaments, which in turn removes torsion to the woman’s uterus, its resulting constraint to the baby, and allows the baby to get into the best possible position for birth.

Pregnant mums with babies in the breech position visit chiropractors for this safe and gentle technique. The Webster Technique increases the space around the uterus giving the baby the room it needs to turn. Even expecting moms that are progressing well in their pregnancy can benefit from the Webster Technique because it helps to bring mom to optimal health as well as optimize the health and space for baby!

How does it work and how effective is it?

The chiropractor will give an adjustment and ligament massage to the pregnant mother. This process relieves muscle tension and bony misalignments in the mother’s pelvis that may be stopping the baby from turning “head down” or having as much room as possible to move during delivery. The technique is used to relieve the musculoskeletal causes of intrauterine constraint that may lead to cesarean section delivery.  Unlike an external cephalic version (ECV) performed by an obstetrician under strong medications, the Webster Technique is natural, uses no drugs, and is gentle to the mother and child. Most importantly, the technique facilitates the correct environment to allow the birth process to proceed as nature intended.

Research has repeatedly found that mums who use the Webster Technique have an 85% success rate of allowing a breech baby to turn compared to the 35% success rate with an ECV.

belfast, chiropractor, back pain, neck pain, pregnancy, headaches, sciatica




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